
A natural mix of Ilsa products and the orange groves of Scanzano Jonico produce an extra 18 kg per plant

A perfect menu of plant-based biostimulants and solid and liquid hydrolysed gelatins tackle ferric chlorosis and other problems related to citrus fruits.


With an accurate mix of Ilsa natural biostimulants, the orange groves of the Navelina variety of Scanzano Jonico have produced an extra 18 kg on average, and the fruits recorded the size of more than one-and-a-half centimetres (16.5 mm, for accuracy). Also, greener leaves and more evenly coloured fruits not only satisfy the taste but also the way they look. This is thanks to the irresistible ‘menu’ of natural biostimulants of the Ilsa Viridem® programme – From plants to plants - and its fertilizers that are based on Agrogel® and Gelamin®, which are gelatins for agricultural use that are formulated exclusively by the Vicenza company.

The owners of the Porreca Farm of Scanzano Jonico asked the Ilsa agronomists to find out a solution to the problems arising due to ferric chlorosis, poor fruit development and colour differences at harvest time. Once the situation was analyzed, the agronomists established a protocol of interventions (tab.1) with the application of solid fertilizers to the soil and foliar applications.

‘The correct management of the citrus grove is essential from the early vegetative stages’, recommends Angelo Cifarelli of the Ilsa agronomic service. He mentions that it should be done ‘to combat the phenomena of ferric chlorosis’. Due to the use of fertilizers based on Agrogel® (hydrolysed gelatin for agricultural use, which is produced exclusively by Ilsa) and based on protein nitrogen and amino acids, which are selected considering their content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and sulphur, a vegetative boost has been obtained from the early stages. It helped to limit the yellowing on the leaves and to favour the good vegetative growth of the shoots.

Stage Thesis ILSA Witness
Ground fertilization 

Vegetative recovery


Gradual 25 Fe: 400 kg/ha

Progress Micro: 400 kg/ha

Ammonium Sulphate: 300 kg/ha

NPK 15.9.15 + 2Mg + 20S

Leaf applications

Vegetative recovery

(1° intervention: 23/03/2017)

(2° intervention: after 12 gg)

Class Fe G-Form: 3 kg/ha

Ilsamin MMZ: 2 kg/ha

Ilsamin N90: 2 kg/ha

Product based on chelated iron: 3 kg/ha

Pre and Full Bloom

(2 interventions)

IlsaC-on: 1,5 kg/ha

Ilsamin Boro: 1,5 kg/ha


Fruits Enlargement

(3 interventions every 12 days)

IlsaForma: 2 kg/ha

IlsaNobreak: 2 kg/ha

Product based on algae : 3 kg/ha


(3 interventions every 12 days)

IlsaKolorado: 2,5 kg/ha

Potassium and Microelements-based product: 2 kg/ha

Tab.1 – Test protocol on Orange Navelina (var. Newhall and Isa 315), Scanzano Jonico (MT), 2017. 
The other interventions, phytosanitary and/or fertilization were similar for both theses.

Subsequently, with targeted foliar applications in the cardinal moments of the cycle and with the use of fertilizers based on Gelamin® (fluid hydrolyzed gelatin with a high content of left-handed amino acids for agricultural use, obtained from a process of collagen enzymatic hydrolysis) and the biostimulants of vegetable origin from the Viridem® programme. Consequently, the productivity and quality potentials of the citrus fruits have been enhanced with excellent results not only in terms of yield and size but also of intense colouration, both of the oranges and the vegetation.

The applications with IlsaC-on (100% vegetable biostimulant, which is based on Fabaceae’s enzymatic hydrolyzate), Ilsamin N90 (biostimulant with a high content of free left-handed amino acids) and other special products from the Viridem® line have, therefore, favoured a better setting, such as allowing a good production, a larger and more uniform size compared with the witness and, finally, a more intense and uniform colouring of fruits and vegetation. With Ilsa products, the use of a large part of which is also allowed in organic farming, citrus fruits have not only registered a better yield but also showed ease of peel detachment, good size and inviting colour not only of fruits but also of leaves with respect to taste and juiciness.

Thesis ILSA Witness

Average production per plant (kg)



Average fruit calibre (mm)



Tab. 2 – Results in terms of yield and caliber of fruits

Photo 1 – Confrontation between witness (left) and Ilsa thesis (right)

Photos 2  – Comparison of size and colour of the fruit one month before harvesting

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project