We'll reach 0 level. Zero impact.
Co2 assorbita


Kg of CO2 absorbed each year by the trees cultivated.
Alberi da frutto


Fruit trees have been planted in 4 different countries around the world. 


Over 300 farmers have been involved in tree planting.

ILSAZERO is our sustainability project launched in some countries around the world, where we plant fruit and reforestation trees to offset the CO2 produced...

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ILSAZERO's goal and how we achieve it

We aim to eliminate the kg of CO2 that each year we generate producing our fertilisers. Our belief is to best meet the needs of increasingly  ...

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ILSAZERO is an operational project in Colombia, Guatemala, Peru and Thailand. Through ILSAZERO we can absorb the amount of CO2...

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Where are we now

We have planted 12,000 fruits in 4 countries worldwide, involving over 300 growers for tree transplantation...

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What did we plant

In our orchard we have already planted Orange, Avocados, Mango, Cacao , Lime trees, as well as other plant species...

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What can you do? Adopt a tree!

You can participate in the ILSAZERO project by adopting a tree from our orchard for free! Each tree bears a unique...

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What is  

ILSAZERO is our sustainability project launched in some countries over the world where we have planted fruit and reforestation trees not only to offset the CO2 produced by our industrial plans but also to support small agricultural communities in developing countries.

We are the first company operating in the organic fertiliser sector to have carried out a study of its organizational and product environmental footprint along the entire life cycle, up to the final consumer. On the strength of these results, we have a robust tool for understanding our environmental performance, the points of possible improvement and reduction of our impact, as well as strengthening our "the green reputation". We are not satisfied with having low impacts and will continue to develop tools that will further improve our environmental performance.

This is the reason for which ILSAZERO was born.

 's goal

We want to reach level 0. Zero impact.

Our goal is to eliminate, in a few years, the kg of CO2 that we generate every year producing our fertilisers. Our belif is to best meet the needs of increasingly specialised agriculture, creating sustainable and natural solutions with full respect for the environment. But a reality that bases its principles and working methods on sustainable agriculture must do something more.


How we will reach the goal of ILSAZERO.

Applying the provisions of the "ILSA's Sustainability Manifesto" and planting trees in our orchard, allow us to absorb the CO2 present in the atmosphere. In these way, we will safeguard the environment and support small farmers living in different places of the world, which are looking for sustainable agriculture for their livelihood.

Where is  

ILSAZERO is an operational project carried out in Colombia, Guatemala, Peru and Thailand. Through ILSAZERO we can absorb the amount of CO2 that we generate during the production of our fertilisers. In this way, we ensure a sustainable future for our planet and support small farmers' communities living in developing countries.

What kind of trees have we planted and how much CO2 do they absorb?
Trees in Guatemala
Trees in Colombia
Trees in Peru
Trees in Thailand

What can you do?

Adopt a tree

Each tree bears a unique code which, through a specific tracking system, allows to monitor its growth.
To request a free of charge code, which will allow you to take active part in ILSAZERO project. Click here.

We will send you an email with the code and all the instructions to use it on the ZEROCO2’s website, the company entrusted with planting the trees in our orchards and giving them to local farming families, contributing to their economic and food well-being. 

Take part YOU TOO!