
Organic fertilisers market continues to grow, ILSA keeps investing


Demand for organic fertilisers rising steadily has convinced the company to invest in upgrading the Arzignano production facilities.

(Arzignano, Vicenza, ITALY). Already at full capacity the new mixing and pelleting plant increases the production of organic and organo-mineral fertilizers by 50% in comparison to the previous production capacity. With an investment of around 600 thousand Euro, ILSA has responded to a precise demand from the market, increasingly oriented towards organic fertilizers with reduced environmental impact.

In parallel with the upgrade and renewal of production plants, the process for expanding the production site was completed, which involved the construction of paved yards facilitating the storage of packaged finished products, a new indoor unloading area and the new warehouse intended for new robotic packaging lines.

This process had been started well over a decade ago, but the authorizations to use the area behind the factory owned by the company in the industrial are of Arzignano arrived only a couple of years ago. Having finally obtained the authorization, ILSA immediately started up the new automated packaging plant which has been active since the summer of last year. The recent months of summer have instead served, in addition to the upgrade and automation of the pelleting plant, also to the completion of the paved external squares and of the covered area for loading-unloading trucks. In the coming months, the entire project will be completed, which also involves the construction of experimental greenhouses that will be used by ILSA for the self-production of plants which will be used to extract active compounds for various industrial chains.

Franco Cavazza, the ILSA industrial director explains, "A great job has been done, starting from the planning, realization, installation and start-up of the plant: the time slot available to stop the existing plant and start up the new one was very tight, 5 weeks between mid-July and late August, but thanks to the strict planning and the excellent work of the external companies and the company workers involved, we were able to perfectly respect the chronogram. All the phases were then carried out with the help of various contractors, for the vast majority local or located in the immediate vicinity of Arzignano, bringing a concrete boost and economic return to the local economy.”

In terms of employment, these new investments have led to an occupational increase of 10% with the inclusion, among others, of people prepared for the management of advanced and continuous cycle plants.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
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