
The ILSA president at the Food & Science Festival in Mantua


Paolo Girelli, president of ILSA, gave his testimony on the occasion of the Agrifood Forum organized last September 30th at the Bibiena scientific theatre in Mantua during the sixth edition of the Food & Science Festival.

An opportunity to appeal to public authorities to intervene to support the Italian agrifood supply chain, which is experiencing a critical moment due to overwhelming energy costs and complex challenges arising from climate change. "The challenge of climate change can be faced by innovating, for example by studying new agricultural inputs capable of helping crops in stressful situations and we create these products but we often suffer from the slowness of bureaucracy in adopting these innovations, so this research, also financed with Italian and European public funds, is blocked for years .” “These are serious delays that heavily penalize the national agricultural supply chain,” underlined Paolo Girelli.

Among the guests were Massimiliano Giansanti, president of Confagricoltura, vice president of Confindustria Alberto Marenghi, Ivano Vacondio, president of Federalimentare and the scientist and senator Elena Cattaneo, who was awarded the Mantovana Agriculture award, delivered to her by Alberto Cortesi, President of Confindustria Mantova. The senator, in receiving the award, underlined, as reported by Altramantova, "There is a necessity for supplementary science if science is free. Unfortunately, Italy is not a country for scientists, thus it is ironic that public research on GMOs has been blocked for about 20 years. We need to demand our right to information and conduct rational research without regressing from all that we have acquired.”

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
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