Research and Development



Research and Development
There are more than thirty on-going research projects. Some are fully financed by the company while others are partially publicly financed. Among these are projects that will decide the agriculture of the future.

Part of the research activities involve the development and experimentation of new “intelligent” fertilizers that release nitrogen in a controlled manner in harmony with the demands of the plants. This is in line with the new concept of “low impact precision farming”.

Some of the research is dedicated to the development of metabolic activators based on natural molecules. These molecules are capable of increasing yields and effect the self-defense mechanisms of plants, activating the secondary metabolic routes. One of the objectives of this type of research is to promote the reduction of the use of agricultural pharmaceuticals.

A portion of research activities concentrates on the use of applied microbiology to better understand the soil system, environment, and plants.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project