ORGANIC Certifications

Organic farming represents a rapidly growing industry in Italy, as well as in the European Union and throughout the world in general. It envisions the use of natural substances, excluding the use of synthetic chemicals. At the same time, organic farming employs cultivation techniques that avoid over-exploiting natural resources, in particular soil, water and air. In order for a farm to be considered organic, and therefore to be able to sell its products as organic, it must comply with the regulations on organic production and the use of permitted technical means, including plant protection products and fertilisers.  


ILSA has a wide range of organic and organic-mineral fertilisers, both solid and liquid, used by organic farms, in Italy and all over the world.
The company is regularly subjected to inspections on part of specific accredited certification bodies to determine the compliance and allowance of ILSA's technical means in organic farming. 

The products allowed are distinguished by the brand "ILSA Organic Farming". 

There are many regulations governing organic farming in the world, but three in particular are the ones referred to:

  • REGULATION (EC) N. 834/2007 and 889/2008
  • NOP (National Organic Program) dell’USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
  • JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard for Organic Plants)

Italy has transposed and adopts the reference Community Legislation, that is the EC REGULATION.

Below is a list of the certification bodies ILSA refers to for the inspections provided for by their protocols for admission to organic farming.


For greater transparency towards the final consumer, ILSA has decided to voluntarily adhere to the brand “Mezzi Tecnici AIAB”.
AIAB is the main Italian association of organic farming. Adhering to its standard for technical means (including fertilisers and plant protection products) ensures greater safety for consumers and transparency for ORGANIC producers.

For the ILSA products that have achieved the Mezzi Tecnici AIAB brand, the entire production process prepared by the company has been certified, preventing contamination with other inadmissible elements. It is a quality certificate that guarantees that the ILSA products featuring this brand are compatible with the environment and meet ethical, environmental and technical requirements, additional with respect to the regulations in force which only indicate the raw materials that can be used for the production of organic fertilisers, but does not specify the type of production process allowed.


ILSA fertilisers allowed in organic farming, as well as having a large market in Italy and in Europe, are widely spread also in other countries around the world, especially in South America for the production of many organic crops intended for the tables of consumers from the Old Continent and from the United States. Since these products come from third countries, it is necessary for an accredited body to make sure that their production, and therefore also the use of fertilisers, complies with the reference international standards on organic farming. For this, ILSA relies on Kiwa BCS Öko-Garantie GmbH, with headquarters in Germany, recognised globally as one of the most important and reliable bodies operating in the organic sector


In 2021 ILSA achieved an important result in the field of organic certifications: the inclusion of ILSAC-ON in OMRI’s list (Organic Materials Review Institute) to certify compliance with the American standards NOP (National Organic Program). The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is an international nonprofit organization that determines which input products are allowed for use in organic production and processing. The OMRI staff is governed by a Board of Directors, which is broadly representative of the organic industry. OMRI Listed® products are allowed for use in certified organic production and processing under the USDA National Organic Program (NOP).. 


CONTROL UNION SERVICES checked that the ILSA products, intended for organic production in PERU, comply with the reference Peruvian Regulation (RTPO – Reglamento Técnico para los Productos Orgánicos – Subprogram: Organic Equivalence (Peru) ) . Control Union is an independent organisation present in more than 70 countries that is engaged in inspection and certification activities.


ILSA boasts the presence of ILSAC-ON, its biostimulant 100% of plant origin in the list FiBL, of inputs that can be used in organic farming in Germany. FiBL is a Research Institute for Organic Farming based in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. FiBL Germany (FiBL Projekte GmbH) must, among its various tasks, strengthen organic farming, by developing approaches to eliminate the obstacles that currently prevent its further development, amongst which allowing the producer and the control organism to know whether the organic product contains unacceptable ingredients. For this reason, FiBL assesses the products considering both legal requirements and scientific criteria, as well as compliance with the principles of organic farming.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project