


The timeless beauty of the 13th century architecture of the Ducal Palace of Mantua has been an amazing setting for the Italy agents' meeting last January. A charm that leaves you breathless with its sublime persuasive power, recalls how important it is for humans to live in a pleasant environment. For the ILSA teams, it was also an occasion to reflect on the importance of taking care of the environment, from the human perspective. Preserving the Earth has always been an important part of ILSA, that has permeated its mission since 1956, when it was founded to enhance the leather industry by-products.

Constant research and cutting-edge technologies have allowed ILSA to create the most advanced and sustainable plant nutrition and biostimulation product lines in the world. Many of these are based on natural triacontanol, which helps crops to overcome stress, to produce more environmentally friendly yields. The importance that ILSA gives to organic farming was clearly stated in the meeting supported with the relevant data: 52% of ILSA biostimulants are allowed in bio, and, 56% in the case of nutrition products. The meeting also show-cased two new organic products, ILSALIFE and FERTIL 10.

With more and more farmers converting to the organic regime, ILSA with its network of agents in  each region of Italy, provides solutions for a sustainable and efficient agriculture.

The “ILSA Sustainability Manifesto” has been reaffirmed over the course of the meeting, which underlines, among the various concepts, the importance given to the dissemination of ILSA skills on how to produce in an environmentally conscious way. ILSA agronomists have been in fact extremely busy, in 2019, in providing tailored intervention plans.  About fifty-three plans have been drawn up for crops in Italy and nineteen for abroad, as well as eighty -three follow requests received via the web where one can engage in dialogue with the technician provided by the company.

Further, economic results with more than positive trends were illustrated, tangible signs of the foresight of the ILSA management who wanted to join the Biolchim Group in 2017 was seen, resulting in 25% employees increase in the past three years.

What about in the future?

An expansion of the Molfetta plant and the creation of new production plants in European and non-European countries are being planned. The year 2020 begins with the launch of ILSA PC EGYPT, recently established, for the distribution of ILSA fertilizers in Egypt and African countries in the COMESA area.

In Latin America, investments are planned to strengthen the subsidiary ECR Eurocilena and again in Chile, has been established a new company called BIOBENTOS which is working on an industrial project aimed at transforming algae into fertilizers and raw materials for cosmetics and nutraceuticals.

ILSA, in line with its philosophy of giving less to get more, supports environmentally friendly agriculture in 50 countries worldwide.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
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