
ILSA will be showcasing the excellent results obtained in the Greek orchards at the next international fair Agrotica


(Arzignano, Vicenza). ). ILSA will attend Agrotica 2020 on the 30th and 31st of January, together with its distributor Eurofarm. It is an opportunity to present the positive results obtained by

IlsaC-on, a biostimulant containing natural triacontanol, following the first year of its usage on apricot, cherry and peach trees in Greece.

During 2019, the biostimulant has been applied in the orchards around Thessaloniki, a strategic area for fruit growing in Greece and also the location of the fair, this year at its 28th edition. Last year, Agrotica registered over 140,000 visitors and almost 2,000 exhibitors, thus representing the most important agricultural trade fair for Greece and the entire Balkan area.

The application of the IlsaC-on biostimulant on cherry, peach, apricot and other crops has resulted in a significant increase not only in the size of the fruits (photo 1), but also in the qualitative characteristics such as uniformity of size and colour, taste and shelf-life (photo 2).

IlsaC-on is a biostimulant entirely of plant origin, derived from the Fabaceae’s tissues and it is allowed in organic farming. It is obtained through an innovative extraction process with low environmental impact and high efficiency. It is called FCEH® (Fully Controlled Enzymatic Hydrolysis) and it is of a purely enzymatic nature, conducted at low temperatures.

The FCEH® process preserves the characteristics of its raw material, which enables to obtain a concentrated enzymatic hydrolyzate of Fabaceae, very rich in biologically active substances.

Among these substances include triacontanol of natural origin which stimulates the plant’s metabolism by promoting flowering, fruit setting and fruit enlargement.

This is because it increases the processes of cell division and absorption of water and nutrients. IlsaC-on also contains several other bioactive molecules, including polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins and saponins, which not only allow to increase the fruit’s qualitative characteristics such as colour and taste, but also its shelf-life.

Technical data sheets - Certifications - Dossier - Field results and other insights
Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project