
LIFE Biopol: Virtuous example of best practice and circular economy with Europena and regional funding

Conference, May 31st, 2019. Registrations within the May the 20th


Registrations are open until May the 20th for the Best practice and circular economy meeting - Virtuous examples of European and regional funding - to be held Friday, May 31st, 2019 at 9.00 am - at the Auditorium Danilo Mainardi Campus scientific via Torino 155, Mestre. To attend kindly register at the following link (http://bit.ly/RegistrazioniBIOPOLUnive).

LIFE BIOPOL, sponsored by ILSA, CODYECO and the DERCOSA and INPELSA tanneries together with the UNIVERSITY CA 'FOSCARI DI VENEZIA, is the great protagonist of the event. It is an example of how ILSA biotechnology and knowledge can foster green progress and in a circular economy perspective in sectors other than agriculture. BIOPOL has, in fact, made it possible to create environmentally friendly biopolymers for the leather tanning process.


Clizia Franceschi, head of R&D at ILSA, anticipates some of the topics she is going to present at the meeting Best practice and circular economy - Virtuous examples of European and regional funding ( 31st May)  “The ILSA research activity carried out in recent years in the biotechnological field has allowed us to acquire unique knowledge applicable to different natural substances from which to obtain useful products for various sectors and this in perfect harmony with the idea of ​​a circular economy ”explains the biotechnologist. The ILSA Research Center is now fully integrated with universities and research centers in Italy and abroad. "Participating in the LIFE BIOPOL project, thanks to the skills acquired, including in the administrative area, makes it easier for us today to join further initiatives with a high level of research complexity and intensity, financed with European funds".

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project