
The new European Fertilizer Regulation


The month of December 2018 marked an important event for the progress of the new European Fertilizer Regulation. In fact, on 12 December, the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) to the EU approved the preliminary political agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission (EC) which was reached in the negotiations of the trilogues, the last of which was successfully concluded on 20 November 2018. Even if the process has not been officially concluded yet, we can say that a big step forward has been taken, also thanks to the determination of the last six-month presidency of the EU Council, Austria, in bringing forward the new rules in a short period of time. Now, it will be necessary to wait for the formal adoption by the European Parliament and the Council. After entry into force, 23 days after publication in the Official Gazette, three years will pass for its application.

With the introduction of the new regulation, there will be many benefits for companies, especially due to the harmonisation of the legislation for all fertilizers, which effectively opens up new markets in Europe, facilitating access to innovative products of greater sustainability, such as the ILSA products, and a much desired reduction of bureaucratic borders between authorities and businesses. And of course, there are countless advantages for consumers: a guarantee of extra safety for human health and the environment related to products offered in the market, the products’ effectiveness and usefulness, and clear and transparent labelling that will allow the consumers to make a more aware and informed choice.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
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