
School - work alternating for the students of ITIS Galilei di Arzignano


Just as if they were employees, they arrive in the morning, leave in the afternoon, have lunch with the Ilsa team, and get paid at the end of the internship. They are the four fourth-class students from the biotechnology section of ITIS Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Galileo Galilei who have been selected in a project of alternating school and work, and get the opportunity to experience, from June to September, the work-life in a company. They are involved in real research projects, from the analytical stages to the experimentation. At the end of the experience, they create a report that is integrated into their academic curriculum. Every year Ilsa is committed to welcoming students from this institute with paid internships, to enable young people to work in the biotechnology sector, a growing field that already provides numerous job opportunities and will create many others in the near future.

Paolo Girelli, President of Ilsa, in an interview released a few weeks ago, highlights the importance of biotechnology for the future, "Those who work with us or in our sector must be aware that they are personally involved in a great challenge, which is guaranteeing sufficient food for 9 billion people by 2050 without compromising the quality of the environment”; a challenge that the pupils can evaluate and take up as their future jobs, now equipped with greater awareness of what it means.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project