
ILSAC-ON reconfirmed in the German list of inputs for organic agriculture


Ilsac-on biostimulant by Ilsa, based on the enzymatic hydrolyzate of Fabaceae, has been recently reconfirmed in the German list of inputs for organic agriculture created annually by FiBL.

The FiBL research centers in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria are leading organizations in the field of research and consultancy in organic farming and have been committed to promoting sustainable agriculture at an international level for years. The inclusion of Ilsac-on in the list, which is obtained by enzymatically hydrolizing Fabaceae, is a confirmation of the quality of the product and its effectiveness in addition to its compliance with the current legislation on organic farming.

FiBl, in fact, considers both the regulatory requirements and the scientific criteria for placing products on its list. Another important aspect is that certain reference associations for organic farmers, such as Demeter, Gaea, ECOVIN and Naturland, draw up lists of products that are compliant with their standards, taking from what is indicated by FiBL.  Ilsac-on is a biostimulant that is characterized by intense biological activity. FiBL has it among the "strengthening" plant products category, that is, biostimulants. Document relating to this product can be easily accessed and downloaded from the research page of the institute's website (FiBL_Search for Input).

The list, which will be presented this year in a dedicated event on February 15th during the Biofach 2018 fair in Nuremberg, includes 1700 other products.

Technical data sheets - Certifications - Dossier - Field results and other insights
Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
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