
ILSA to launch its new mobile-friendly site


ILSA is launching its new site with responsive features. The new website, www.ilsagroup.com, is easy to use even on tablets and smartphones. Navigation is, thus, facilitated for over 50% of users who, by analysis, consulted the website on the go. In addition, the website pays close attention to search-engine optimization and focuses on strategies for a google-friendly structure. After analysing two years of user experience and browsing behaviour, content has been restructured and rethought to allow better, easier, and more productive navigation. The site also emphasises the company's values and its organisation cornerstones, such as the use of renewable resources, which, owing to cutting-edge proprietary technologies, are transformed into innovative products for sustainable and environmental-friendly agriculture.

In www.ilsagroup.com, the path between the choice of ILSA brand products and those destined for the industry is now much clearer than before. Commercial and Marketing Director Nicola Farina explains the novelties: "We needed a website which was able to reflect ILSA's green DNA, which was able to enhance us not only as manufacturer of our own products, but also as a supplier of other industries in Italy and around the world, who are committed to the choice of organic raw materials, plant extracts, bio-stimulants, tailormade products, of extraordinary efficiency and high sustainability."

It is now easy to find the products in the menu (crops and products), and with the help of agro-icons running in the footer, or just using a fully-guided search engine. Bio-stimulants can be identified for specific plant needs: Risk of rot; Excess salinity; Blossoming Problems; Uniform colouring; Resistance to thermal and water stress; and Increased Shelf Life. The products are specifically designed for quality improvement and against these plant stresses with technical data sheet and in accordance to usage guidelines, and a whole range of documents and agronomic reports that can be consulted with easy and instant registration.

Moreover, the website allows for the possibility to contact the agronomic service with just a single click. "We have tried to make our knowledge more accessible," says Farina "which had not been easy at all considering that the quantity of information our company, so focused on research, has developed in over sixty years." Furthermore, there will be the translation into three more languages, in addition to Italian and English, to reflect the global profile of the company. The company is also planning on launching an application in a few months that will be greatly appreciated by farmers and will allow them to create a customised fertilizer plan for their field.

In addition to the abovementioned features, there will also be many useful links on the website for subscribing to the BAS / Buono a Sapersi / Good to Know, newsletters with countless timely agronomic advice. There are links to the company's educational videos and to the social media profiles that will broadcast ILSA's news in real time. "Humanity welfare depends increasingly on the agriculture development" is written on the home page, where an explanation of the company's pay-off, "The green evolution", appears. It was launched during the logo restyling a couple of years ago. Economic growth must go through a process that is capable of combining product performance with a respect for nature and people. Today, this evolution is more easily accessible and navigable through our website.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
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