
June 8, Annone Veneto, ILSA invites you to “Nova Agricoltura in Vigneto”


All the benefits of the ILSA natural biostimulants that make vineyards resistant to multiple stresses, and studied within the innovative Viridem® research programme “From plants, to plants”, will be exhibited in Annone Veneto, in the province of Venice, on June 8th. Tips on application techniques, dosage suggestions, and the results of a variety of tests on major vineyards in Italy, will be shared by Ilsa agronomists with wine growers who avail this chance to come to the ILSA stand. 

Products, such as ILSAGRADER and ILSAC-ON, have grown indispensable in obtaining superior quality wines as they contribute to the natural growth of °Bx and polyphenols. Nova Agricoltura in Vigneto (New Agriculture for the Vineyard) – organized by New Business Media, the publisher of “Terra é Vita”, among others magazines – aims to display the latest achievements in viticulture that have a low environmental impact and a high degree of technical innovation. This event is on 8th June at Tenuta Sant’Anna, at Loncon di Annone Veneto (VE).

Technical data sheets - Certifications - Dossier - Field results and other insights
Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project