
ILSA invites you to the conference #greenleather2017

ILSA invites you to the conference #greenleather2017 May 9, 2017, Villa Da Porto, Montorso Vic. (Vicenza), Italy10.00 am to 1.00 pm.


#greenleather2017 is the final event of the three-year greenLIFE project, partly funded by the EU within the LIFE programme, which aims to improve environmental sustainability of the tannery industry. It will be held on May 9, at Villa Da Porto, Montorso in the province of Vicenza, from 10 am to 1 pm. Please click on this link for registration: http://bit.ly/2nRVfvT. GreenLIFE is sponsored by five Italian companies based in the Vicenza Tannery District: other than ILSA, also the tanneries Dani and Gruppo Mastrotto, Ikem chemical company, Acque del Chiampo that manages the consortium purification plant. The research lines carried out included various aspects of the tanning process: the use of water resources and sometimes the use of high impact chemicals, and complex waste management.

Experimentation of an oxidative liming with bath recovery has been carried out till the industrial scale; while, enzymatic liming and organic tanning from renewable sources has been experimented until a semi-industrial scale. The best methodologies for the recovery and reuse of tannery by-products in industrial, agro-industrial and energy sectors have been studied. Finally, an assessment of the effect of new technologies on overall water purification system was carried out. Since such innovations, technologies and new processes, when applied extensively, can lead to strong changes in the territory, an environmental and socio-economic impacts assessment in collaboration with the University of Padua has been carried out. During the event, many such technical themes will be discussed, but the entrepreneurs’ and institutions’ point of views will also be discussed along with the consideration of the presidents of the five companies sponsoring the project; thanks to the involvement of the representatives of public administrations.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project