
Ilsapolicos and its natural triancontanol: a boost of energy for plant roots in the post-transplant phase

In Tuscany, cucumber crops treated in fertigation with the Ilsa biostimulant obtained increased yields of 27% compared to the untreated witness.


Cucumber:  fresh, nutritious and refreshing and one of the symbols of summer cuisine. 

In 2019, based on the Istat* data, the total Italian production recorded 618,975 quintals with an increase of 12% compared to 2018 (553,816 quintals). This figure is certainly a stimulus for producers to obtain significant yields of excellent quality. Cucumber growers can use ILSAPOLICOS of ILSA, a 100% plant-based bio-stimulant, as the ideal technical input for the development of healthy and abundant root systems in the plants which supports vegetative growth and final production.

ILSAPOLICOS, allowed in organic farming, is obtained from the supercritical CO2 extraction process of Fabaceae tissues and has been specially formulated to improve rooting processes and optimize the first stages of the crop cycle, especially in the post-transplant of horticultural crops (tomato, aubergines, cucumber, melon, etc.).


ILSAPOLICOS is based on specific-action organic molecules, such as natural triacontanol which acts positively on cell multiplication processes and on the formation of new vegetative organs (roots and shoots). It also has betaine and potassium, essential in promoting the vegetative recovery of the seedlings in post-transplant stress conditions.


Its organic nitrogen supports the initial development of adventitious roots and absorbent roots hairs. The bioavailable organic carbon present in the formulation of the biostimulant constitutes a substrate of nourishment and energy for the bacterial flora of the soil which improves the fertility of the soil explored by the root system.


All these organic compounds translate into a good anchoring of the seedlings to the soil, a reduction in post-transplant failures and a greater absorption of water and nutrients.

Greenhouse cucumber experience (Boreal and Caman varieties) in Tuscany

Agronomic tests conducted in 2017 in Tuscany confirmed the efficiency of ILSAPOLICOS in promoting the rooting of plants in post-transplantation and, thanks to its natural triancontanol, stimulates the differentiation of new flower buds and flowering.

This resulted in a final commercial yield 27% higher than the company thesis (Table 1). The result was obtained due to interventions in fertigation with ILSAPOLICOS at the dose of 10 kg / 14000m2, repeated every 7-10 days, starting from the post-transplant phase. This yield corresponds to 14 kg / m2 of cucumbers equivalent to each harvest.

Visual evidence

From the visual measurements, it is clear that the treatments carried out with ILSAPOLICOS have favoured:

  • A good rooting of plants to the new growth substrate, consequently reducing failures (Figure 1).
  • Good development and proliferation of the root system in the growth substrate (Figure 2).
  • Good flowering and good fruit formation (Figure 3).

Table 1: final yield, thesis ILSA histograms in blue colour, company thesis histograms in orange colour

Figure 1: vegetative growth of cucumber plants; on the left in post-transplant and on the right following treatments with ILSAPOLICOS.

Figure 2: roots development and proliferation, ILSA thesis.

Figure 3: entry into production (floral and organs production), ILSA thesis.

To view and download all the details relating to the test carried out by the ILSA Agronomic Service, register on the website www.ilsagroup.com to access the "cucumber" culture section. You will be able to see how ILSA nutritional and biostimulant specialties are positioned according to the phenological phases.

*Istituto Nazionale di Statistica http://dati.istat.it/Index.aspx?QueryId=33703#

Technical data sheets - Certifications - Dossier - Field results and other insights
Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project