
Protect vineyards and orchards from environmental stress

The use of natural substances with stimulating action and organic molecules immediately after low temperatures to prevent drops in production


(Arzignano, VI). The fluctuating temperatures of the past few weeks are endangering buds and blooms. To cope with this critical moment and avoid production losses, the drop of flowers must be prevented. For this reason, rational agronomic interventions are immediately necessary following abiotic stresses, such as the sudden drop in temperature recently recorded.

In cases like this, what should be provided to the plants?

First of all, natural substances with stimulating action that favour the rapid recovery of the biochemical functions. But also, organic molecules such as free amino acids, to support the flowering and fruit setting processIn this regard, Ilsa recommends two biostimulants capable of deliver a strong stimulating and nutrition action, Ilsamin N90 and IlsaC-on, with the aim of increasing the tolerance of plants to environmental stress and accelerating the resumption of their physiological activities (photosynthesis, respiration, biosynthesis of carbohydrates, etc.).

Ilsamin N90 is the ideal biostimulant for plants subject to various shocks. It is obtained by an enzymatic hydrolysis process (FCEH®) which guarantees a high percentage of free amino acids (such as Glycine, L-Proline, L-Hydroxyproline, etc). Amino acids are associated with specific organic components that activate the defence of plants, prevent the fall of flowers, stimulate vegetative growth and accelerate the recovery following stresses caused by temperature changes and nutritional imbalances. Ilsamin N90, also used in association with a nutrient, performs a synergic action by promoting the absorption and delivery of nutrients to the plant.

IlsaC-on is a vegetable-based biostimulant obtained from an enzymatic hydrolysis process (FCEH®) of Fabacea tissues. The formulation is based on natural triacontanol, free amino acids, vitamins and plant extracts with hormone-like action which are essential during the cell multiplication phase. Triacontanol is essential to stimulate the flowering process and chlorophyll photosynthesis. The amino acids present in the formulation, exercise a fundamental function in the formation of plant tissues and in the synthesis of proteins essential for the metabolism of the plant. All these natural substances with stimulating action also allow a rapid recovery from environmental stress and help to strengthen the natural defences of the plant.

Ilsamin N90 should be used at a dose of 1.5 (kg / ha) and IlsaC-on should be applied at a dose of 2 (kg / ha). The foliar applications must be carried out in 2 interventions every 7-12 days starting from vegetative restart. 

By registering on the website www.ilsagroup.com you can access all the technical documentation of these products.

Work carried out with funding provided by POR FESR
Veneto Region
Read details 3S_4H Project EcoDPI Project